John 16:31-33

Jesus answered them, “Do you now believe?
“Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Jesus’ Promise – Pastor Paul

Seated on a warm green hillside in Galilee, Jesus encouraged His anxious followers to…

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Matt. 6:33

Our Lord’s desire for those seated on the slope that day (and for you and me His people today) is that we would recognize that our daily provision ultimately comes from Christ, not Costco.  If we will put our energy first and foremost into the work of His Kingdom (rather than the mad dash to stock our shelves with Challah and Charmin), we can be confident that our needs will be met day by day.

Let us remember that God is able to feed His people, whether it was with bread from Heaven as in the years of the Exodus, or by the wings of a Raven who fed Elijah through three years of drought, or by a mighty miracle when Jesus fed thousands with but a few loaves and fish.

Let us note that Jesus’ promise to meet our daily needs carries no caveats!  He didn’t say, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you—unless there’s a global pandemic,”  or “unless there’s a run on the market.”  No, Jesus’ promise to provide our daily needs covers every circumstance, condition, and coronavirus.  Therefore, during these trying times, may we be reminded that we can lean confidently upon Jesus’ promise to provide for our needs each day as we look to Him.

— Pastor Paul

COVID-19 Crisis Prayer – Pastor Mike

Todays Prayer

Psalm 67

Today’s Subject: Our Leaders

God’s Way:  Pray for President Trump that He would do what is right and good for our nation.  That his package of aid for our nation would go through.  That the opposition who wants to use this time to advance abortion and foreign aid to our enemies, and to advance any ungodly causes during this time would not work.  That the President would be surround by godly counselors.  That God would give the presidents counselors wisdom and he would listen to them.  That God would thwart the plans of those who have evil intent, of those hate our nation, of those who want to see our President fail.  That God would turn their evil intent around on them.

For Governors that God would give them His wisdom from on high.  For Newsom: that God would only allow that which is good and right, that he would not put through any edicts that would oppress the people of California.  That God would give him wisdom on what to do with the homeless issue during this time.  That God would show him that our borders need to be closed to keep the virus from spreading and from further financial damage

For Local government officials hat our local governing authorities would be godly and make godly decisions.  That they would not be self-seeking but seek the will of God and do what is best for the people.   That they would not be afraid to stand up to do what is right and not politically expedient.  That they would not be motivated by greed or love of power.

God’s Salvation: Pray for all those aforementioned officials in their personal relationship to Jesus.  If they do not yet have that personal relationship, that they would begin to.  Pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would continue to go forth in power through all the news and the noise of the crisis.  Pray that believers are sharing Jesus in their conversations and in their actions.

God’s Praise: Praise the Lord for the governing authorities He has appointed, that we may subject to them, recognizing there is no authority except from God.  Praise the Lord for the many men and women who love Him and serve and are governing authorities for His glory.  Pray the Lord for God’s ministers attending to what is necessary for the good of the people. 

“God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your Way may be known on earth, Your Salvation among the nations.  Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You” Psalm 67: 1-3
